Health Screening
Health Screening
What Is A Body Scan?
Advanced Body Scan uses CT technology for body scans. Our cutting-edge screening method provides an overall assessment of your physical health to help you establish a baseline for your general wellness.
During this scan, the machine captures detailed images from your shoulders to your thighs that include scans of your chest, coronary arteries, abdomen, and pelvis.
After your scan, our licensed radiologist and medical doctor review your images to look for signs of disease or abnormalities in your:
- Lungs
- Liver
- Spleen
- Gallbladder
- Pancreas
- Kidneys
- Prostate gland
- And more
A body scan can also capture irregularities in your spine.
What Can A Body Scan Detect?
What can a Heart Scan detect?
Working closely with CT specialists, our radiologist has access to the most sophisticated and comprehensive heart scan protocol available for early detection. CT scans capture multiple images a second, it can detect a wide range of heart issues, including:
- Evidence of previous heart attack
- Coronary artery disease
- Coronary calcifications and blockages
A heart scan will also check your heart valve calcification, your heart size, and your pericardium.