Dental Procedures
When a tooth is lost due to injury or disease, a person can experience complications such as rapid bone loss, defective speech, or changes to chewing patterns that result in discomfort. Replacing a lost tooth with a dental implant can significantly improve the patient’s quality of life and health.
Dental implant systems consist of a dental implant body and dental implant abutment and may also include an abutment fixation screw. The dental implant body is surgically inserted in the jawbone in place of the tooth’s root. The dental implant abutment is usually attached to the implant body by the abutment fixation screw and extends through gums into the mouth to support the attached artificial teeth.
Cleanings, whitening procedures, straightening
Figure 1. Structure of The Dental Implant System
1. Teeth Whitening
Whitening is a relatively discomfort-less process. bleaching is quicker and safer because it is performed by dental professionals. Most often, dentists use a special hydrogen peroxide gel and a special light source to whiten faster.
2. Extractions
3. Veneers
4. Fillings
5. Crowns
6. Root Canal
This is one that most people dread, and for fair reasons. Root canals are usually preceded by some pretty awful tooth pain. A root canal means the tissue inside or under your tooth is infected and inflamed. To get rid of the pain, the dentist needs to deaden the nerve and remove the tissue. Sometimes you may need to take an antibiotic before the procedure.
The good thing is that you’ll be numbed before it happens, so you won’t feel any pain, just pressure. Once the procedure is over – and it can take a few hours – you’ll be numb for a while, but hopefully pain free since the infection will be gone.
7. Braces/ Invisalign
Most practices are moving away from traditional braces and towards Invisalign, but they both serve the same purpose. The goal is to straighten and correct crooked teeth, as straighter teeth are often healthier and easier to take care of. Classic braces use metal and other materials to slowly tighten teeth back into place. Invisalign is less visible and slower acting, but still a very effective method to achieve the same goal.
8. Bonding
9. Dentures
10. Implants
When a tooth is lost due to injury or disease, a person can experience complications such as rapid bone loss, defective speech, or changes to chewing patterns that result in discomfort. Replacing a lost tooth with a dental implant can significantly improve the patient’s quality of life and health.
Dental implant systems consist of a dental implant body and dental implant abutment and may also include an abutment fixation screw. The dental implant body is surgically inserted in the jawbone in place of the tooth’s root. The dental implant abutment is usually attached to the implant body by the abutment fixation screw and extends through gums into the mouth to support the attached artificial teeth.